Had a few people over Easter Sunday to help us drink some Champagne. We either bought too much, or they weren’t much help.

A rare video chat with some of my oldest friends, catching up over beers, across thousands of miles, sitting in Florida, Oregon, New York, Texas, and California.

The occasion was Dan’s 28th birthday, who I first met when I was 11 years old. His finance Dominique set the whole thing up and surprised him when she handed him a laptop with all of our faces on it.

Such a great feeling shooting the breeze with some of my truest friends.

My friends Mike and Christina are getting married. They deserve the best, and they found it in each other. I was honored that they asked me to design their invitations.

I’ve only ever worked for friends as favors to them. Here’s the first time I didn’t. When you’re good at something, people will say it’s easy for you. Maybe that’s true, maybe not, but you shouldn’t ever feel guilty about doing what you do, and doing it well. I’ve done it so much, but that’s done now.

I’ve got some friends.

Never the place, always the people.

Duncan the navigator. George the poet. Drew the holiday. Ashley the dancer. Alexis the Sun. Jacquelynne the Italifornian. Colby the certain. Christina the welcoming. Mike the noble.

These are my friends. The kind that when asked to bring a chair to a party in my empty apartment, bring a couch. I was about as low as hell, for a long time, before I met these people. I’m so lucky, and I know that well.

Parisa’s profound ramblings, as I recall them.

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