Levi and Ashley tied the knot. Yes, what I drew is supposed to be a rope being knotted, not links of sausage.

They exchanged vows on a warm Saturday, in Odessa Florida. It was a beautiful day. Felt really lucky to have witnessed it, and to have helped celebrate it. Was a little concerned my dance moves might get me ejected from the reception, but there was no harm done.

A couple days before the wedding, Alexis and I came to St. Petersburg to spend some time with my parents. Hurricane Matthew had other plans though. They had to hang back and secure their house in South Florida, so we didn’t see them this time. We made the best of it though.

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Ricky turns 30.

Celebrated my 30th in Palm Springs, poolside with some cold drinks and the best people. They came a long ways and spent a good bit of money and time to make sure I knew damn well that 30 ain’t so bad.

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My friends Mike and Christina are getting married. They deserve the best, and they found it in each other. I was honored that they asked me to design their invitations.

I’ve only ever worked for friends as favors to them. Here’s the first time I didn’t. When you’re good at something, people will say it’s easy for you. Maybe that’s true, maybe not, but you shouldn’t ever feel guilty about doing what you do, and doing it well. I’ve done it so much, but that’s done now.

I’ve got some friends.

Never the place, always the people.

Duncan the navigator. George the poet. Drew the holiday. Ashley the dancer. Alexis the Sun. Jacquelynne the Italifornian. Colby the certain. Christina the welcoming. Mike the noble.

These are my friends. The kind that when asked to bring a chair to a party in my empty apartment, bring a couch. I was about as low as hell, for a long time, before I met these people. I’m so lucky, and I know that well.

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