This site is a lot of things. One of them is a safety deposit box of sorts. Until the world falls apart and the internet takes it’s last dying breath, I have to believe that anything I put here, is here to stay. These words made their way to my inbox over four years ago, and I want them kept safe. They meant so much to me.

Inspiring is the best I can ever hope or wish for as an artist. It’s largely why I still share the work. Always thinking someone might find these thoughts and feelings I’ve bottled and sent drifting across the internet, and that it might mean something to someone. To quote Esme, it’s weird to think about, but totally awesome.

There's More. 1988 posts across 18 years. It's a lot of content, so I put together some of my favorites all in one place. If you’re new here, it’s a great place to start.
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