More scenes from quarantine. She’s not actually playing anything, but she sure looks cool doing it.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. That meant willingly seeing a knowingly awful movie just to get out of the house.

After eight weeks of quarantine, felt right to take another drive for a change of scenery. This time around we passed by a few touristy spots. It was weird to see some of them totally abandoned when they’d normally be completely overrun. For a longtime I’ve known these places to be more or less for the birds, but even still, it was a sad sight to see.

Never thought I’d see the day my government said I can’t go outside, but here I am. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime, or my Dad anything like it in his. It’s uncharted waters, and there is risk of drowning.

Alexis and I are lucky ones. We don’t need to leave home to do what we do for a living. That means we can still work through the turbulence, while also doing our part by staying put. Even still, work is thin and getting thinner. Particularly for me.

I think when it gets bad enough, enough people will actually listen. The weather will warm, the spread will slow, and the world’s engine will start again.